                                                                               OI China 2017 Visitor Survey
                                                                                 2017年11月 November, 2017

1.    您如何评价本届OI China 展会的总体参观效果?(单选)
Overall, how satisfied are you about this year’s OI China? (Select one)
2.    根据您本届展会的参观情况,您是否会愿意将OI China展会推荐给您的朋友或者同事?(单选)
How likely is it that you would recommend OI China to a friend or colleague based on visiting the current edition? (Select one)

Please choose your answer in the following scale of 10 to 0 with descending strength. Please also specify the reason.
3.    就参观服务及您个人的体验而言,您认为本届OI China展会在以下各方面的表现如何?
How satisfied were you with the following aspects at OI China this year?
展会服务Exhibition Services
展会沟通与展会资讯 Show Communication & Show Updates
登记手续 Registration
展区规划 Zone Planning
现场导航和参观指引 Onsite Navigation & Signage
供应商名录 Supplier Directory
展商质量 Exhibitor Quality
展商数量 Exhibitor Quantity
展会服务 Exhibition Services
同期会议及活动 Concurrent Conference and Events
现场问询服务 Onsite Info Point
展会装潢 Exhibition Decoration
展会安保 Official Security
展会清洁 Show Floor Cleanliness  
展会差旅服务-天华讯 Official Travel Agent-THX Media
场馆餐饮供应 Venue F & B Outlet
观众休息区 Visitor Resting Area
4.    本届OI China展会是否给您带来以下感受?
To what extent do you agree with the following statements about OI China 2017?
该展会能让我获取最新行业资讯The show updates me on the latest developments in the industry
该展会中能够与合适的参展商会面I can meet exhibitors that are right for my business
该展览会是个不容错过的活动It’s a show that I don’t want to miss
该展览会将帮助到我的业务The show can help with my business development
我感觉我与展会的联系紧密 The event is relevant to me
5.    请问下一届的OI China海洋展您是否有意向参观?(单选)
How likely are you to visit OI China 2018 (Nov, 2018)? (Select one)
6.    请给出以下参观目标对贵公司及您本人的重要性,以及对参观本届展会在这些目标实现方面的满意度打分。
Please rate how IMPORTANT each of the following objectives are to you, and how SATISFIED you are that your objectives were met at OI China. 
参展目的 Purposes重要性 Importance满意度Satisfaction
获知行业最新趋势,产品和技术Learn about the latest trends / products / technology in the industry
为新产品,新技术下订单或寻求采购资源Place purchase orders / Source new products / technology
寻找新的产品或服务提供商Identify new products / service providers
寻找潜在代理或生意合作伙伴Identify potential agents / business partners
与现有供应商会面Meet existing suppliers
与现有买家会面Meet existing buyers
评估展会,为将来是否参加做参考Evaluate the event for future participation
观察竞争形势Observe competitors
参加会议或研讨会Attend conference / seminar
与业界同行建立关系网Network with industry players
7.    您是否认为本届OI China 展会缺失某些类型的产品?
Do you think whether some types of products should be added to this OI China or not?
8.    您是否认为有某些企业缺席本次OI China 展会?
Do you think whether some Company should be added to this OI China or not?
9.    请选择您对本届展会以下电子产品的满意度(单选)
Please select your satisfaction with the following E-products. (Select one)
展会官网Show Website
展会官方微信Show WeChat
展会电子快讯Show EDM
10.    您目前通过以下哪些在线渠道寻找供应商及了解所需采购之产品信息(多选)
Please select online channels that you adopts in sourcing suppliers and acquiring information of products to be purchased (multiple choice)
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