Why did you say “I haven’t decided yet” regarding C2E2 attendance in 2012?

The following is a list of statements that may be used to describe your show experience. As you read each statement, please indicate how strongly you feel the statement describes your experience.
Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
I was able to see and do everything I wanted to
The show was a lot bigger than I expected
I had fun
I made new friends
I found new vendors I don’t think I would have found otherwise
Attending made me feel more connected to the world of pop culture
The show was intimidating
The show exceeded my expectations
I saw a lot of companies that I’ve never heard of
I saw a lot of companies I already knew about

Have you contacted or followed up with anyone (Artists, Exhibitors or friends) since C2E2?


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